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How every business can improve their customers' experience by paying attention to feedback.

Firstly, note that feedback can come in all shapes and sizes. The worst feedback any business can get is none. If you don’t get any, ask for it. Even complaints are helpful. I said helpful, I didn’t say nice!

Given the pace of change in today’s world, there has never been a better time to implement a Customer Experience Strategy. In fact, if a business has yet to develop their Customer Experience Strategy to an exceptional level or even to a level that they are satisfied with, it likely has nothing to do with them. Given everything that is going on with the pandemic and general misinformation, it’s a wonder that businesses are able to deliver any level of customer service, much less customer experience. ⠀

A really great place to start with a customer experience strategy for a business that is already is in-situ is with feedback. Why is this a good place to start? Because businesses can start with the customer and then work backwards to improve what it is they already offer and the manner in which they offer it.⠀

Feedback can be both solicited and unsolicited. You can solicit feedback for your business by way of surveys, questionnaires and simply by asking directly for it. Unsolicited feedback may come via your social media channels, online reviews on sites like Google, Trust Pilot, etc. When you’re considering how customers perceive you and your business, be sure to check out all of these channels to get the full picture of what your customers are really saying about you. ⠀


Deirdre Martin is a business mentor that specialises in brand, marketing, sales and customer experience. She is a keynote speaker, business award winner and bestselling business author. For a FREE business breakthrough call, go to Deirdre’s calendar and find a time that works for you. Follow on LinkedIn!

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