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Employees or customers. Which comes first in your business?

Before you can get the feedback that will make your customers’ journeys exceptional, you must first create a work environment and culture where your employees feel they can be open and honest with you without recourse. If you don’t yet have that, then this is a two-step process for you. If you are lucky enough to be in that place already, get asking straight away.

Here are my top tips to get good employee feedback:

1️⃣ Assure them their feedback is confidential and keep it confidential
2️⃣Run your employee feedback sessions twice a year at a minimum using surveys, questionnaires, external companies, brainstorming sessions ,etc.
3️⃣ Tell them about the changes you will make and the ones you have made
4️⃣ Put them ahead of your customers in the order of questions you ask
5️⃣ Ask about what improvements you could make in the work environment
6️⃣ Ask if they feel safe in work
7️⃣ What gets in the way of them doing what you expect of them
8️⃣ What gets in the way of them doing what your customers expect of them
9️⃣ What improvements could you make to improve the customer’s journey
🔟 What is the most common question your customers ask them

You don’t have to limit the number of questions you ask, but keeping them concise, clear and not open to misinterpretation will benefit everyone involved.

Watch out for my vlog on more tips on how to mine for the gold in your employee feedback.













Deirdre Martin is a business mentor that specialises in brand, marketing, sales and customer experience. She is a keynote speaker, business award winner and bestselling business author. For a FREE business breakthrough call, go to Deirdre’s calendar and find a time that works for you. Follow on LinkedIn!

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